Information text within the framework of the law on protection of personal data

As Filinta, as the data controller within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698, we can process the personal data of our customers and visitors through our website. With this information text, we would like to inform you about our mutual rights and obligations in accordance with the provisions of the Law.

1- Your personal data, methods of collection and purposes of processing:

Your personal information; Your visit to our website, your Filinta membership, your shares in telephone or e-mail correspondence, your purchase of goods or services from Filinta, or any other form of commercial or legal relationship, are received directly from you electronically. From this data; including identity information (name, surname, gender, date of birth); Your contact data (e-mail address, address and telephone information) The data regarding the product you purchased within the scope of Filinta's field of activity will be processed by Filinta within the scope of the establishment and execution of the contract and our legitimate interest, within the framework of the legality reasons specified in the 2nd paragraph of Article 5 of the law.


Your personal data; Carrying out Goods/Service Sales and After-Sales Support Processes, Carrying out Commitment Processes to Our Products, Carrying out Customer Relations Management Processes, Carrying out Activities for Customer Satisfaction, Ensuring Physical Space Security, Carrying out Marketing Analysis Studies, Carrying out Advertising / Campaign / Promotion Processes and Carrying out Activities in Compliance with the Legislation It is processed for purposes such as Follow-up of Requests / Complaints, Communication Activities, and Fulfillment of Legal Obligations.

2-Legal reasons for processing personal data:

We request your explicit consent and permission to send you commercial electronic messages (SMS, e-mail) in accordance with the legal obligation for your personal data that does not fall within one of the legal compliance reasons stated above and in Article 5/2 of the law. In order to accept the membership agreement text on our website, you will be able to give your permission in the digital environment, of legal nature and value, by ticking the relevant box and pressing the sign up button. If you have found it appropriate after evaluating the membership and confidentiality agreement text presented to your information in digital environment (sms, mms, mobile push, e-mail, etc.), your permission/approval process will be carried out if you inform us of the password that has been generated only for you and sent to your mobile phone, and is unknown to anyone except you. will be completed.


Your name, surname and contact (telephone, mobile phone, e-mail address) information will be processed for the purpose of sending you advertisements, campaigns and other commercial messages about our products and services, within the scope of your commercial electronic communication permission. You can give your commercial electronic communication permission by checking the box in the relevant area on our website and pressing the sign up button.


3-Sharing and transfer of data:

Your personal data mentioned above, provided that adequate and effective precautions are taken in accordance with the security and confidentiality principles determined in the legislation, and also for the purposes listed above, public institutions or organizations authorized to request this data in accordance with legal obligation, our contracted suppliers, business partners and service providers and business partners, with whom we have agreements due to our activities. It will be possible to share it with third parties with whom we are affiliated (cargo company for the delivery of the products to you, our web agency for the management of our website, etc.) within the framework of and limited to the personal data processing conditions specified in Articles 8 and 9 of Law No. 6698.


4-Your rights under the law:

As personal data owners, you can submit your requests regarding your rights in writing to [email protected], using a secure electronic signature, mobile signature or the e-mail address previously notified to Filinta by the relevant person and registered in Filinta's system, with your identity verifiable. If you forward it to Filinta, Filinta will finalize the request free of charge as soon as possible and within thirty days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request. However, if the transaction requires an additional cost, Filinta will charge the fee at the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board. In this context, personal data owners;

  • Learning whether personal data is processed or not,
  • Requesting information if personal data has been processed,
  • Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose,
  • Knowing the third parties to whom personal data is transferred at home or abroad,
  • Requesting correction of personal data in case personal data has been processed incompletely or incorrectly and requesting that the action taken in this context be notified to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred,
  • Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data in case the reasons requiring processing no longer exist, even though it has been processed in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 6698 and other relevant laws, and requesting that the action taken in this context be notified to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred,
  • Objecting to the emergence of a result that is unfavorable to the individual by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automatic systems,
  • In case of damage due to unlawful processing of personal data, they have the right to request compensation for the damage.

membership and privacy rules

For Filinta, security is the most fundamental element in online shopping. All transactions are carried out through secure payment systems. Confidential payment information is transferred directly to the company in encrypted format.

The Privacy Policy, whose current rules are stated below, has been adopted regarding the confidentiality, protection and other related issues of the information provided by our Members-Customers to our website

  • Necessary precautions for the security of the information and transactions entered on our site have been taken by Filinta-related card institutions in the system and internet infrastructure, depending on the nature of the information and transaction. All credit card transactions and approvals are carried out online between you and the relevant bank or similar card institutions, independently of us (Information such as credit card password is not seen and recorded by Filinta).
  • The information entered by our customers for the purposes of membership to our site, purchasing products/services and updating information, especially confidential information regarding credit and debit cards, cannot be viewed by other internet users.
  • Information belonging to our Members-Customers may be disclosed to relevant organizations within the framework of our responsibilities stipulated by legal regulations. In addition, the contact information (phone, address, e-mail, etc.) and other personal information they provided during their membership and/or shopping are used to complete and update your membership transactions to our site, to provide/sell various products/services by Filinta and its business partners and suppliers, and to provide products/services. It can be recorded indefinitely for fee-expense collections and various publicity, advertising, promotion, communication, sales and carding applications, can be stored at Filinta and the specified organizations, can be processed, can be shared and used whenever and wherever deemed necessary.
  • To unsubscribe from, you can use the "unsubscribe" link included in all e-mails sent by our site.
  • In cases where our site links to other internet-websites, the privacy-security policy and terms of use of those sites apply to all uses and transactions. Filinta is not responsible for any disputes, material or moral damages and losses that may arise due to the use of information from other websites accessed from our site to view advertisements, banners, content or for any other purpose, as well as the ethical principles, privacy-security principles, service quality and other practices of the sites.
  • All intellectual-industrial rights and property rights regarding all kinds of information and content on our site, as well as their arrangement and partial/full use (except those belonging to third parties according to the agreement with Filinta), belong to Filinta.
  • In the case of a product that is produced in accordance with the special requests and demands of our customers, or that has been personalized by making changes or additions, or that cannot be returned due to its nature, that is likely to deteriorate rapidly or expire, and in general, when the product is used or unused, it is removed from its packaging. When it is removed, our customers cannot exercise their right of withdrawal; In cases where the packaging label on the product is removed, torn or damaged, the product cannot be returned.
  • You can contact Filinta via the e-mail address [email protected] or on issues you would like to obtain additional information about.